• Interiors

    It’s Friday, High Five! No. 54

    Design by Kate McIntyre and Brad Huntzinger. Photo by Oly. Do you ever have so many projects you want to get done that it is paralyzing because you can’t decide which to start first. Since the holidays are over I’ve had that feeling a lot. I have a whole slew…

  • Interiors

    Master Bedroom in Aqua and Blush

    Finally, the master bedroom is complete (minus my dream bed which I must have once we return to the States.) I received my beautiful fabric for the curtains and pillows from Fabric.com a while ago but I needed to find a few days to get the sewing done. When the…

  • Interiors

    Master Bedroom Bedding Update

    Last week I was busy getting my master bedroom painted a new Pearl grey. Not a big departure from the blue but a bit more neutral.  I am really liking the new color so I was very excited when my new bedding and fabric samples arrived Saturday I could figure…