This week is One Room Challenge week four, that means half way to the goal. Thanks to some beautiful gifted wallpaper from Tempaper we are finally getting to see some coral up against the green, and it really pops.
Changing Gears, but not Directions
I can't tell you how excited I am for this change. I am so looking forward to building this new business and freedom to be more creative.
The Sun Room goes Green (for Free!)
You may be thinking “Wait, haven’t I already seen a sun room reveal?” Well yes, you have, but recently I did a little rearranging and it all started with a chair. Actually a pair of chairs that were never meant to be inside. When I first got the sun room…
2018 Spring Tour of Homes
I can’t believe this month makes one year we’ve been in the new house. I have accomplished so much in that short amount of time but I have never shared a full tour. So, It was perfect timing for me when a group of blogger friends decided to get together…