January Cure – Week Two and Three

    I’m spending this month participating in Apartment Therapy’s January project called the January Cure, a whole month full of assignments designed to help you get yourself and your home organized for the new year. Well, I’m trying to anyway but I’ve found out two important things along the way. One…

  • DIY

    January Cure 2017 – Week One

    It’s a new year and that means time for Apartment Therapy’s January project called the January Cure, a whole month full of assignments designed to help you get yourself and your home organized for the new year. Think of it as a New Year’s resolution for your home. This is…

  • DIY

    January Cure 2016 – Week Four

    Last week was the final push for completing the January Cure hosted by Apartment Therapy, it was along month but I feel like I really accomplished a lot. A few of the assignments I have not fully completed (re-lining the shelves in the kitchen cabinets) but they have at least…

  • DIY

    January Cure 2016 – Week Three

    Week three down and we are in the home stretch of the January Cure hosted by Apartment Therapy. I participated in the Cure last year so I was a little concerned that this year would be a total repeat of last years tasks. Instead, I was excited to find that…