• Vintage

    Thrift Score Thursday No. 135

    It’s #ThriftScoreThursday everyone and today I wanted to share my diamond in the rough, and when I say rough, I mean really rough. While hunting for chairs I ran across this pile of rugs in a pretty gritty thrift/consignment store not too far from my house. I normally shy away…

  • Interiors

    It’s Friday, High-Five! No. 87

    With just one day left of 2016 I thought I’d share some big news for 2017!  Just two weeks ago on a complete whim we went and looked at a house and did a really crazy thing. We made an offer on it! Okay, so that is the short story.…

  • Vintage

    Vintage Better Homes and Gardens 1956

    Don’t you just love to get special gifts in the mail? It is Christmas time now so I am sure lots of things are arriving in the mail but a few months back I received a package completely out of the blue from a good friend who also happens to…