• Products/Shopping

    Buying a Beni on a Budget

    If your like me you are constantly reading design blogs and scouring Pinterest  and you will have already spotted these lovely Moroccan Beni rugs. They are being used just about everywhere from living rooms to nurseries. They are plush and luxurious and I am definitely not missing the beauty they…

  • Products/Shopping

    2014 – Year of the Horse

    Last week we entered the Chinese New Year and that brought us all into the year of the horse. But what does that mean you might ask. Well the year of the horse year is “a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year…

  • Products/Shopping

    Arrows In Design

    Collection of Vintage Arrows (Set of 5) $35.00 With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I fear that cupid’s arrow has gone a little off course and hit me right in my design eye. I am seeing arrows everywhere in design and I am in love! That is fine by…