One Room Challenge
Welcome to Week 3 of my ORC Master Closet Remodel. If you haven’t stopped by in the last two weeks you may be wondering what the mess is going on. Well, we are in week three of The One Room Challenge™ over here and things are getting worse before they get better.
The One Room Challenge™ is a biannual interior design blog and Instagram event showcasing designers and Influencers. Everyone with an online presence is invited and welcome to join in the fun by linking up each Wednesday for eight consecutive weeks. Each Wednesday, the internet and social media are flooded with interior design inspiration, original ideas, encouragement, and motivation.
Each week I will update you on the Master Closet Remodel’s progress and keep you up to date here.
WEEK 1 / WEEK 2 / WEEK 3 (you are here) / WEEK 4 / WEEK 5 / WEEK 6 / WEEK 7 / WEEK 8
I will be sharing the progress as well as all the tools and materials I use in case you want to try them for yourself. I want to give a special thanks to Tempaper and Wagner Spray Tech for gifting products to help in the completion of this project.
You can also check out what all other ORC Guest Participants are accomplishing each week over at The One Room Challenge! So let’s get this party started.
The Plan
Last week I shared with you the new paint job that is bringing us closer to the above mood board.
But this week while we wait for the paint to dry and the wallpaper to arrive we are looking at the grim reality of a closet remodel. All the “stuff” that came out of the closet. Which is a lot. I currently have my dressers and boots in the hallway.
Unloading the Closet
The hanging clothes are where ever I could find space in three different closets around the house, and the shoes are stacked all over the bedroom. I have also been doing a lot of purging, when you pull everything out of the closet you notice all the things you never wear, so out it goes.
But this week has not been all bad, a few things have gotten better. I have received a few of my organizational items like these mDesign Plastic Storage boxes. The stackable storage drawers a a great improvement to my shoe storage situation. The boxes will now be consistent in size and I won’t have to unstack each time I’m reaching for a pair of shoes. One week with them sitting on the dresser top has already showed me this is the perfect solution.
The second item that arrived this week is the Rolling Laundry Cart. I have been wanting one of these for the longest time. Carrying a heavy laundry basket is a hassle. I am constantly banging my hands on the door frames when I taking it thru the house. This rolling cart is the perfect solution. It also has the added bonus of saving my back because I don’t have to bend down when forlding.
Just 5 weeks left to get this ORC Master Closet Remodel all sorted. Next week I promise to share some progress in the “pretty” direction. The wallpaper should be arriving today so I’m hoping to get that up this weekend.
If you want to look back at some of my past The One Room Challenge™ reveals, click the images to see more.
I think that it is looking good, Maggie! (And I totally agree that things look worse before they look better!) Your use of color is, as always, so inspiring. I have to say that seeing how your paint sprayer has made such short work of this project has me thinking about a purchase! Looking forward to the ongoing process!
Thanks Barbara, I do love my paint sprayer it has been a godsend in many projects. Glad you are along for the ride!