Some projects are just for the fun of it, and this Tonka Toy Winnebago Restoration was just that. Fun! I had seen one of these Vintage 1970s Tonka Toy Winnebagos years ago on a home tour. It was displayed on a shelf in the living room and I thought it was so cool and hunted one for years. Finally, I ended up finding one on eBay a few years back for about $25 but it ended up in a closet, until now. It was finally time to get this girl rolling again.
I’ve always thought a full-size camper restoration would be fun so I figured why not do a mini one? I have dubbed this little Tonka Winnebago the “Mini” Bago and the “Mini” Bago was in rough shape when I got her and quite dirty as well. I started the restoration by stripping the “Mini” Bago down and cleaning her up. Every part got taken off and given a good old fashion scrub.
With all the plastic parts removed I used a paint stripper and steel wool to remove all the paint from the metal body.
I managed to get it all the way down to the raw metal pretty easily, which left a nice smooth finish for the next step.
A fresh paint job! I chose to go with a whole new color scheme in Aqua and Yellow, which I applied using masking and spray paint over an all-over white paint job.
I even gave the interior a new look to match the retro color scheme.
Since the roof doubles as an awning, I thought it needed an awning stripe. I used the same yellow paint as on the body over a white background to achieve the look.
I re-applied the details using a paint pin and auto pinstriping tape. The reproduction decals for the front grill I purchased on eBay
Now 1970s Tonka Toy Winnebago Restoration, or should I say “Mini” Bago, is ready for the road.
Or at least ready to be put on prominent display in my sewing room.
OMgosh! This is awesome! My parents had a Winnebago that looked just like the original at one point, complete with some brown shag carpet!!!! Yours is much cuter! The awning stripes are the cutest!
What fun!! Looks perfect on that green cabinet. The interiors are amazing too!
Thank you, it was a fun project!