One by one the rooms of the new house are coming together and while some are getting a new looks, a few have not changed too terribly much. My son’s room at the old house was very similar but I thought you’d like to see how it translated into a new space even if only with a few small changes.
When we moved in the room was a pale buttery yellow,
but for his new room my son chose Sherwin Willams Naval for the walls. This is a peek after the first coat.
I later came back and added a few stripes in some Sherwin-Williams Tradewind I had left over from the kitchen, so basically a dark room with light stripes instead of the light room with dark stripes we had at the old house. (If you are interested in the how-to on the stipes, you can find it HERE.)
You may have also noticed we changed out the old fan for the Mazon by Harbor Breeze , definitely a little more hip!
After the paint I completed a few tasks that have been on my to do list for a long time, like upholstering this hamper I got years ago in Germany for just 3€. It used to be covered in vinyl and smelled strongly of old lady perfume but I tore it down to the boned and added the same Premier Prints Towers in Sherbet I used on the curtains and bed skirt. It now houses about 50lbs of Legos.
I also built a box that allowed me to hang the vintage Pachinko machine that was just sitting on the top of the orange cabinet in the old room. The big cabinet didn’t work here due to the larger window so I switched it out for something a little smaller. I love the switch because the glass front on this little book shelf allows my son to show off his camera collection ( yeah he’s a collector like me.)
As long as we are talking about my little collector I will point out that the vintage map over the bed and the cuckoo clock are new additions he found in a giant pile of free stuff outside the neighbor’s house. I’d say some pretty good scores, although there were a few he brought back I was not as happy about.
Another room down!
What do you think, the room is complete but is it too close to the old one?
I love to start fresh but sometimes the budget means using what you already have.
I always enjoy seeing your next project as you have a very unique style and appear to stay true to yourself and not get caught up in trends for the sake of being trendy. I like that about you! Love your DIYs, too.
Thanks Elaine, I can’t claim to be completely unaffected by trends but I do try to give them my own twist. Buying mostly thrift items doesn’t hurt, a persons collection tends to be more one of a kind.
I love. love that you re-used so many items from the old room in a new way. That bed is so awesome – why get anything else. Love the fabrics and striped walls – I’m a “wall- striper” myself 🙂 I think it takes being clever to re-use and freshen up this way!
I think that it looks splendid! Your work always looks colorful and clever and classy. I am a muted color person myself but your work illustrates how colors can work together which is a great skill to have. I’d be interested in hearing about how you picked up your upholstery skills. That hamper looks amazing! Ditto on the bed skirt. Thanks for sharing your work. I “stop by” your house on a regular basis :-), so to speak!
Thank you Barbara. My upholstery skills came from trail and error. I have always sewed and have done some slipcovers so upholstery is kind of a natural extension of that. Glad you came for a visit,”stop by” anytime.
SO many elements that I love. The stripes, patterns and colors and of course the cuckoo clock!!!
Of course you love the cuckoo clock. Funny thing is my son scored that out of a neighbor who was moving outs doation pile. They made the mistake of telling him he could go throught it. After a while I had to tell hime NO MORE! I gues he’s go his Momma’s love for junk. I have three Cuckoo clocks and only one did I buy in Germany, my tiny little one in my sewing room.