In case you missed last week’s post, the One Room Challenge has been extended by a week due to all the crazy whether the U.S. has had recently. The new reveal date will be Thursday, November 16th so what did I do given an extra week? I did what any sane person would do, I added a whole other room to the project…In addition to finishing the living room I am adding the adjoining library to the mix.
For those of you who are new to this the One Room Challenge is a twice yearly event hosted by Linda of Calling It Home. During this event twenty design bloggers take on the challenge to transform one space in just six weeks (or in this case seven weeks.) Every Wednesday, the designers document their progress while sharing their sources and professional advice. In addition to following along, everyone with a blog, (that’s me!) is welcome to join the fun as a guest participant by linking their own room transformations to Calling It Home.
I’m tackling my living room this go round. If you missed my previous posts you can keep track here:
Week One – Week Two – Week Three – Week Four
The library looked like this when we moved in, pretty bland.
I added furniture and styles the shelves but other than that I had not done much.
So I decided to continue the same look I’m using in the living room into this room. I painted the upper and lover trim black, wallpapered the one empty wall with my leftover Tempaper Toucan Newspaper removable wallpaper. What I love most is that the new wallpaper helps my vintage orange chair make sense.
I am working on pin-striping all the cabinets this is still a work in progress but you get the idea.
Now back to work!
Want to see more of the progress going on this week? Pop over to Calling it Home and check out the featured designers along with the hundreds of guest participant who are tackling the challenge.
i have got to show emmy this wallpaper! she is obsessed with toucans!!
I feel pinstripes should be more widely used, they are so classy! 😀
Me too, and they add so much dimension.
Would love to see a DIY on the pinstripping.
I show a bit in my week 3 post, it’s basically just a glossy tape and I used the lines of the molding to lay it straight.
wow you are almost done!! that wallpaper is perfect and it’s removable too!! I will have to check it out!