Slowly but surely I am finally getting our new house to a state where all the rooms are livable and some even lovable. Admittedly most of my projects have been cosmetic, paint and mirrors so to speak, but lately even finding time to do these can be difficult. With a few hours here a weekend there I’m excited to finally be able to reveal my daughter’s new room that we jokingly call “the apartment.” This is an amazing bonus room over the three car garage that was a 1990’s addition to the original 1975 house.
You may remember this view from my Faux Bamboo Dresser Makeover but today I’m ready to share the rest of the room.
When we moved in the room was a dark blue/grey, not terrible but a little more “boy” than “girl.” In search of a new direction my daughter and I started a Pinterest Board for some inspiration.
Since she wanted a pink and gray color scheme we decide to go “girl” with Valspar Mosaic Pink, which made a huge difference in the brightness.
For the rest of the I didn’t want to invest very much money because we had just worked on her room at the last house.
The only things I purchased new was bedding and an arm full of throw pillows from TJmaxx. Everything else was pulled together from the old room or other places in the house.
Of course my Royal Typewriter painting had to stay and I pulled in the circle chairs from the entry hall at the old house.
Luckily one of the previous owners installed custom roman shades that worked with our colors, they just needed some repair to get them working again.
I used the Tempaper left over from the bathroom update on the back of the shelves,
The blue velvet sofa is making another appearance. If you remember I slip covered it for our house in Germany and then it was bare brown again in the man cave at our last house, but here we are back to blue. I’ve had this sofa for about 10 years now so I’d say I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth out of the $699 purchase.
And you may remember the piece of art over the sofa came from the laundry room and end tables came from the old sewing room but everything else just got rearranged.
The chair, the curtains, and even the rug were in her old room.
I’d say quite a budget makeover at less than $200 which isn’t bad considering it’s a much bigger room.
Plus, the new light airy feel was well worth the price.
WOW, maggie! it looks incredible- it’s eclectic but really chic and clean, too!
Looks great!!!