It’s time again for the monthly Inspired by DIY Challenge organized by my good friend Jess of Domicile 37. Each month an amazing group of bloggers gets together to create some inspired DIY. We each find a piece from a store or designer that we find inspiring and create our own version, DIY style. This month’s inspiration is the always pretty, Serena & Lily. I chose to recreate the Eva Tassel Pillow Cover because it was the perfect upgrade to a pillow cover I already made for the One Room Challenge.
So let’s get started…
Materials Needed: (this list contains affiliate links)
- Craft-tastic Pom Pom Maker
- Yarn
- Scissors
- upholstery needle
- Pillow Cover
Step by Step Instructions:
- Using a Craft-tastic Pom Pom Maker spaced at 3″, knot a medium weight yarn to the dowel at one end. (You could use a piece of cardboard cut to the same dimension if you don’t have a pom pom maker)
- Looped the yarn 50 times around both dowels.
- Using a 12″ piece of yarn, thread through one side of your loop and tightly knot.
- Remove yarn from pom pom maker and pull loose ends of the knotted yarn in the opposite direction of the loops.
- Using a second 12″ piece of yarn wrap your loops just below the loose ends two to three times while pulling loops down tightly, then knot securely.
- To complete the tassel cut loops and trim even.
- Using a large upholstery needle thread each of your loose ends through a corner of your pillow cover being sure not to thread through the same hole.
- Turn cover inside out so you can pull loose ends tight.
- Knot securely and trim.
- Continue this process until you have all four corners done.
The finished tassels make a fun addition to any pillow cover.
And to my mudroom bench!
Want to see more Inspired by DIY pop over and see Cassie Bustamante‘s version of dip dyed stools.
And Up to Date Interiors version of the candy stripe coverlet.
Here are a few of my previous Inspired by DIY posts:
Pottery Barn ♦ West Elm ♦ Jonathan Adler ♦ Eddie Ross ♦ Urban Outfitters
your pillow is beautiful! i love the raspberry and orange together and it’s perfect in your new space!
I have to get one of those tassel makers! I was just thinking about wanting to add tassels to a pillow. How cute! And how amazing is Cassie’s stool?
I’ve always had a thing for the orange and pink combo. Love your pillow
You are one of the most talented individuals that I know. I know this is a simple diy, but I am ALWAYS amazed at the detail and how you mix and match colors. This looks store bought. Thank you for always showing up.
You are so sweet Jess, I love doing it so I hope that is what shows.
Love the pink and orange and you styled it perfectly!!