It’s Friday which means it’s time for a high-five but today I’m going to change things up a bit because this week is the three-year anniversary of Maggie Overby Studios the blog!!!! I can’t believe it’s been that long. Like most things in life, it feels like I started this journey yesterday but it also seems like I’ve been doing this forever. In that time I have learned so much but I know I have so much farther to go.
When I started this blog we had just moved to Germany, I had closed my shop, and moved away from all my family and friends. I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself and since I had considered blogging long ago I figured it was the perfect time to try. I didn’t have a clue, and as I look back at some of those old post I can see that perfectly clear. I was pretty much out there on my own plugging away just trying to figure things out on my own. I took a few online classes trying to up my game but for the most part, it was trial and error. Actually, my very first post was an error, not knowing what I was doing, I published it on accident and I was off…
During my time in Germany, I felt pretty isolated from the rest of the blogging world and even most of my readers who may not relate to the things I was doing in a foreign country. But last August I moved back to the states and the whole game changed. Since returning I have had some amazing opportunities to work with brands and other bloggers. Best of all I have met a group of bloggers who have really opened my eyes to the community that we create together.
A couple of weeks ago I attended my first blog conference which tipped me on edge again. It also made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. The knowledge I gained made me feel like it was a miracle that anyone was reading my blog at all. So many things I would, could and should be doing to get ahead of the competition and get the reader. Techniques for using Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and every other social media out and how to make Google love you. You are overwhelmed, aren’t you?
I have always loved the creative part of blogging. I love the making, the photography, the sharing. The majority of the things you see on this blog I would be doing whether you guys were watching or not. That’s just me. The marketing, the analytics, the pushing hard to compete…not so much. So this week I have been a little off my blogging game trying to sort it all out, and I know I’m not alone. My good friend Cassie of Primitive and Proper has had some similar ponderings in the aftermath of Haven.
So where does this all leave me three years in? Well, not making thousands of dollars a month on ad revenue and sponsored posts like some bloggers do. And that’s okay because today I don’t think that’s my goal, next week or next year it may be but today I am just worried about improving and building on what I started three years ago. I want to share with you projects and products I truly love and continue on my creative journey with those of you who really care. Most of all I’m going to try not to feel bad about that, not to feel inadequate or lesser. It is so easy to compare ourselves to others instead of just bringing our best selves.
So today for my high-five I want to share some of the posts that I am most proud of. If you’ve been with me all along you might enjoy looking back and maybe even notice my improvement over time and if your new, you are getting all the good stuff!
The first two photos are from my One Room Challenge Master Bedroom which I feel is one of my best all around complete, well photographed, well-documented projects. A year from now I may feel differently but for now, I am so proud of it. It defines my style and represents how I really do things with lots of thrifted furniture and DIY’s that are budget friendly but don’t look cheap. (I hope!)
Finally a Blue Velvet Sofa It’s a blue velvet sofa…need I say more? I just loved the outcome of this project. The photos aren’t my best but this was one of those projects I dreamed up not knowing if it would be a success or failure. So when success means a blue velvet sofa I’m happy!
This Onesie Cupcake Tutorial has been very popular for me on Pinterest but that’s not why I’m proud of it. This project I made for my women’s group at our Military church in Germany to give to female soldiers who were pregnant. The Chaplin had put together a spiritual support group for them and our women’s group catered a breakfast and put together a little gift including my onesie cupcakes. The soldiers were so appreciative of our efforts, some even cried they were so touched. This was such a small gesture that meant so much to them but I see many bloggers able to make even bigger ones like working with women’s shelters or Habitat for Humanities. I think would be so amazing. I am proud that blogging can help me give back and spread the word to encourage others to do the same.
My Comfort Works FRIHETEN Slipcover Review was my very first sponsored post, in exchange for a product review, I received a free custom slipcover for my Ikea Friheten sofa. Besides the fact that I love my slipcover (good for the review,) I also learned a lot from this post. I made a video, worked with a client, did marketing… you always remember your first.
And finally, any and all Thrift Score Thursday Posts. When I started my blog I was sharing Fount it at the Market posts but when I left Germany I also left the amazing markets. With perfect timing my TST co-host, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, Corinna from A Designer At Home and Brynne from The Gathered Home, invited me to join their team and an amazing Instagram community of thrifters. My thrifted goodies made a seamless transition and for that, I am so grateful! These ladies have been a big part of my growth and community this year and I thank them.
Have a great weekend and thank you all for your support,
Congratulations on your anniversary. Please keep it up as I do enjoy reading your posts and look forward to seeing them in my in box. You have given me confidence to try DYI projects. Thank you!
Thank You Ruth, I am so glad you are giving it a try. People ask me all the time how I knew how to do certain projects and I have to say, I didn’t know how until I did it.
Happy Blogiversary! I’ve been following your blog for almost 2 years now. It was perfect for me because I was living in England at the time and I found a fellow New Orleanian who was also living overseas! Your blog and projects have been a huge inspiration to me and I look forward to many more posts 🙂
Yes Megan I know you have been following for a while, and also commenting which helps a girl know she’s not just talking to herself ? Hope my blog still relates now that I’ve moved. Are you still in England? I do miss Europe so much.
I subscribe to a lot of blogs and yours is my favorite. Not sure ‘what you are not doing correctly’ according g to blogger conferences, but from this humble readers pov, your blog and your style rocks ☺️ Congratulations on your anniversary! I think I’ve been following you for about two years now. And I am also a SC transplant, living in the Greenville area. Keep doing what you are doing! Loyal follower here ☺️ Best, Judy
Oh thank you Judy, from this end its hard to know if anyone is even paying attention. I love to hear from readers like you to know I’m getting it right. Thanks for being such a loyal reader!!!
Congratulations on your anniversary and for being strong enough to not follow the path of those bloggers earning thousands per month on their blog. I used to follow a lot of decorating blogs, but honestly, I began to resent how every post was sponsored and once these people started renovating their homes fully sponsored, it got to be too much. I’d love a company that gave me top-of-the-line appliances for my kitchen too!
I appreciate that you take cast off items and make them useful and beautiful. Don’t for one minute think your blog is not as good as those others….it’s better!
Thanks Debbie, You’re very sweet sweet to say that. But, please do not think that I am in anyway putting down the bloggers who are able to make a living from their work. Blogging is work and it is hard work, sponsored posts even more so because you have to meet the criteria of a client. Bloggers also have to pay for a lot of back end things to keep our blogs up and running, all our computer and photography equipment, and most of the items we use to create content. I agree that for me it is sometimes hard to relate to a project that was accomplished with high end (sponsored) products because I am not a person who could afford them. I am sure there are some people who have projects where those products would be used and for them those posts are helpful. For me, I just want to be true to myself and readers like you who look to my style and budget for advice. When I accept a sponsored post I do so because the products or vendors are ones I love and use, not because they are giving me something in exchange. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, its is nice to hear my readers take on things.
Happy blogaversary! My three years is in September 🙂
Isn’t it amazing how far we’ve come in three short/long years? Your style is so well curated and put together, I am always envious of your vignettes. I loved meeting you in Atlanta and I’m so glad we connected over the military man-cave. Who’d thought that I’d meet and become friends with someone whos images I found on google!
Here’s to three more years!
Thanks Ariel, Long and short is right. If I can improve as much in the second three years as I have in the first I will consider it a success! I have to say one of the best things that has come of blogging is meeting some amazing, talented, wonderful people. Hopefully we can do it again next year!!!
this was so fun to read because i think i started following you around the time you started TST with us. and i remember thinking, how am i just now finding her?? i love your fun style, your unique eye and your use of color. and i am with you on not making much money and it being ok… maybe one day we will, and that will be lovely, but i also want to keep my blog as MY blog- not a paid ad. 🙂 i also loved reading the comments of others above- look how much you rock!
Oh thank you Cassie, I mean it when I say how much you and the Thrift Score Thursday group means to me. You guys are kindred spirits in a world of white. It is also good to know I’m not alone in my thoughts on blogging, it’s easy to feel like your the only one!
Congratulations on three years of blogging! I think I found you through Stephanie, which confirms again that the best part of blogging are the people you meet. I’m in the same camp as you about loving the writing, the decorating, taking photos, but everything else…notsomuch. I don’t fault Haven for emphasizing promotion and income–I think for a lot of creatives, that’s like trying to solve the Riddle of the Sphinx and Haven speakers attempt to give us the tools to make promotion and earning income easier. I’m not particularly good at it (that’s being kind to myself), and it’s not in my nature to say, “Hey, you, please look at this!” But it does get disheartening to put your all into something and not have it yield much, whether that be in blogging income, page views, comments, pins, or whatever you use to measure your blogging success. Do people find your home inspiring? Yes. Are you a good writer? Yes. Do you contribute to the blogging community by supporting others? Yes. Everything else is just gravy. Wishing you many more years of blogging fun and success, whatever that may mean!
Thank You Sharon, Definitely find a lot of joy in the people, both bloggers and readers, I have met in these last three years. I am glad that we can all do what is best for each of us at the pace that is right for us and that be okay. Sometimes I just have to remind myself of that!
Congratulations Maggie! I love your blog – I started reading as you were leaving Germany. We lived in England for 6 years and I could totally relate to your moving saga and relocation. I love everything about your style – I could live in your house! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Jeanette, That move was definitely a saga but we made it through! Glad to have you along for the ride!