Photo:Åke E:son Lindman, design by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter
Hello my beautiful people, It’s Friday and I feel like I got so much accomplished this week. I completed my master bedroom for the One Room Challenge, which was quite the project. Now that it is all complete I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to walk into a finished bedroom especially after nine months of looking at half torn wallpaper border. High-five and a whole lot of better sleep to that! With this project complete I spent yesterday going down my list of to-call and to-email and got a lot of those little tedious tasks off my plate which always feels good. These little things can easily weigh me down if I let them pile up. Now that a few of them are done I can move on to a new project without feeling guilty. High-five and a big pat on my back!
Here are a few more high-five’s for the week…
1 How about this Humlegården Apartment design by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter with It’s oversized, multicolored parquet flooring? Each room directly relates to it’s setting overlooking Humlegården park, where the greenery outside changes with the season. The tile is so lovely it doesn’t need any furniture at all.
2. I think I’m in love with the Humlegården Apartment floor plan as much as I am with the apartment…
3. What to do with that worn out aluminum lawn chair, why give it a makeover of course!
4.I kind of fell in love with this Rainbow Pom Pom Blanket, it could be all the pretty colors or the pom poms, but it’s probably both!
5. Science is cool and quite pretty. When given colored construction paper, wasps build rainbow colored nests. These are my kind of wasps.
Have a great weekend,