Are you an Anthropologie shopper? I would say I am more of an Anthropologie dreamer. If you have never been to an Anthropologie store find the nearest one (it may be 200 miles away) and drive on over. I say this because shopping at Anthropologie is an experience. Each store has it’s own individual feel of homey, vintage, art filled goodness. The seasonal marketing displays are works of art and while corporate creates the concept each Anthropologie store has its own visual display team that is allowed interpret the concept however they choose, so long as corporate approves. If you buy nothing these displays are worth the trip. Unfortunately for your wallet you are probably going to want to buy something and while there are lots of small home item within a reasonable budget Anthopologie is not a low-end store which is where the dreaming comes in.
One thing that Anthroplogie does offer that is within everyone’s budget is inspiration, so last week while I was in the store I grabbed their Spring 2016 Inspired Home catalog. When I tell you I love almost every single item in this catalog I am not kidding. You know I’m a vintage lover and Anthropologie has a way of doing “vintage” that truly is inspired. Rather than making “vintage” old, rusty, and warn they take the inspiration from vintage and make it new again. With styles everywhere from Mid-Century to Rococo there is something for everyone. Have a look at a few of my favorites and see what I mean.
rug / lighting / rattan chair /pillow / plates / bed/ bench / mirror / basket / chair/ nightstand / wallpaper
I love Anthropologie. While furnitures and curtains are too expensive for me, I find that some of their accessories and kitchenware are fairly reasonable.
I agree and the sale room always has a few treasures.