Photo via Domino
Spring is in the air and I’m feeling pretty flowery today. Which is much better than my mood last week for sure! The weather here in South Carolina has been beautiful, it is warm, the sun is shining and all the flowering trees are in bloom. All this great weather has improved my mood a hundred fold, high-five. Best of all I spent last weekend at some really great sales and took a big haul of new merchandise to the store this week just in time for our big Spring Fling this weekend. If you are local you should stop by for the fun. I know I’ll be there. High-five to that!
Here are a few more high-fives for the week…
1.Molly Guy of Stone Fox Bride shared this garden bedroom in Brooklyn, above, she created for her two growing daughters. Check out the feature on Domino for more beautiful views.
2. An illustrator by the name Sparrows shares her amazing Gif images via Tumblr a mix between fine art and animation, these mini movies are a joy to watch.
3. Desert botanical by Cuilko by Pierre Frey, comes in fabric or wallpaper, pretty BoHo chic!
4. This Retro planter available on Esty from RustyGold73, I need one of these in my life.
5. Critter Pillow anyone? These gorgeous pillows featuring Bari J.‘s art retail for just $29.99.
Have a great weekend,
cassie @ primitive & proper
i am feeling spring, too and love these picks! that wallpaper!
Maggie Overby
I always feel better when the sun is shining and it turns a little warmer. Now if I can just make it through the 3 in. layer of pollen without having an allergy attack I’ll be doing great.