Photo via HGTV
Can you believe that we are almost through February? I guess that just means I have been so busy I haven’t noticed the time rushing by. If you didn’t know already I opened a retail/resale space at the Ivy House in Columbia, SC, it has kept me very busy mostly because things are going so great! I have almost completely emptied out my garage and can barely keep the space full because things are selling so quickly. High-five, no complaints there. I really missed having a store while we were living in Germany because it makes me happy in so many ways. I get to spend lots of time shopping for great things, it gives me creative me projects to do sprucing things up, I make a little money on the bargains I find and meet some pretty amazing people along the way. So to sum it up I get to do what I love, and I also get to share all that fun stuff with you. High-five to that!
What about you guys? How is 2016 shaping up for you? Hope it has been full of high-fives so far.
Here are a few more high-fives for the week…
1. Have you read this month’s HGTV Magazine? Well the photo above is from a spread on a North Carolina home designed by Parker Kennedy Living. I’ve followed their Instagram for a while now and am always impressed with their unapologetic use of color. Have a look at the full feature and you will see that this home design did not disappoint!
2. This short film from 1968 demonstrates the newest technologies in wallpaper manufacturing, I think I’d kill for a few of these prints…
3. New travel posters from NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, envision a day when scientists and engineers will allow us to go places we can only dream of now. These posters are bold, beautiful and the best part is you can download them for free.
4. I love plants and a good DIY so the Make a Living Succulent Picture is just the project I’ve been looking for to add to my sun-room once the weather warms up.
5. This week I ran across the Charleston based Mirth Studio, They make some of the most beautiful painted wood tiles you have ever seen! I’m in a rental now so the wood flooring doesn’t help me much for my house but what they also sell is a vinyl version of their tiles that is removable and durable. Holy cow, vinyl floors never looked this good. This would be perfect for my laundry room update I’m planning!
Have a great weekend!