Last week was the final push for completing the January Cure hosted by Apartment Therapy, it was along month but I feel like I really accomplished a lot. A few of the assignments I have not fully completed (re-lining the shelves in the kitchen cabinets) but they have at least been into motion. The others I have added to my to-do list (create a landing strip.) As usual the January Cure gave me just the boost I needed to get the ball rolling on finally settling into the new house. Have a look how the month finished out and see what I took away from the process.
Assignment 17: Catch Up Day
Up to you! Just do what you’ve got to do to help make you feel back on track…or closer to the track…or even somewhere in the neighborhood of the track!
Since I had the day off from any specific job I decide to tackle one of my to-do list items. I finally got my daughter’s desk/vanity painted. You may have seen this when I posted it last week but if not here are the before and after photos.
Assignment 18: Create a Landing Strip and Start Using it
The first two parts of a “healthy home filter” are self-explanatory, you’ll want a door mat and hooks or proper, usable space in a coat closet to hang your outerwear and bags. Once you have this space use it!
This is a space I really need but have yet to carry out. I have considered the options though. We have space for a landing strip in our laundry/mud room but I’m still trying to figure out the best use of the entire space since it has to accommodate a landing strip, the laundry, the dog beds and all the pet supplies, as well as broom closet type storage. I have a pantry in this room but it is not very well organize at this point. Some of these function could go into that space once it’s redesigned but what I’d really love to add nice landing strip piece like this hall tree.
Assignment 19: Do a Surface Sweep
Choose one room in your home where the surfaces could use some attention. Set the timer on your phone (or stove, for you nostalgia lovers) for 3 minutes and GO. Dive in and straighten as if your life depends on it, flat-out FAST for the duration of the timer.
Well this is always my problem child, my computer desk area. I want to expand the book shelf so that the desk area looks built-in as well but for now I just have a little desk that is way too small and always full of “stuff.” Most of the mess is just laziness, dropping things on top instead of putting them away.
OK 3 minutes, GO!
A quick sweep of this area always makes a big difference.
Assignment 20: Empty the out box.
Guys, during the last month I have emptied the out box FOUR TIMES! I even got a few pieces of furniture sold online so I can actually see most of my floor in the garage. I guess I had more purging to do than I thought.
Assignment 21: You’ve got your first full weekend off in a month – buy yourself some flowers, relax and celebrate!
Once again, nailed it!
So the big question. What did I take away from the January Cure 2016?
- I needed this. As much as I thought I had things under control there a lot to be done even in a house I’ve only lived in six months.
- I little goes a long way- Doing a little each day, even just three minutes really makes a big difference.
- Lists make me accountable – When I write it down I don’t forget what I want to get done and I can pick whatever task I have time for that day.
- Just because the January Cure is over doesn’t mean I’m done. Now that I have my list I have been marking things off but also adding to it. My list is perpetual and will be something I work on all year-long.
Now back to relaxing, until next year…
I love the artwork in the first photo! Where is it from? Thanks
Maggie Overby
Hi Erin, I bought this piece many, many years ago at the Quayside Gallery in Pensacola, Florida. I believe I paid $50 for it. Unfortunately the artist Anne Topolinski died in 2007 and I can’t find any of her work online. I would suggest maybe searching Etsy for abstract art for something similar, there are some pretty amazing artists there. Good Luck, Maggie