It’s Thursday again and I am all geared up to co-host #ThriftScoreThursday. If this is your first visit to my blog I will let you know I am a thrift store, flea market, estate sale, Craigslist junkie. I am always amazed at the great finds that can be had for just a fraction of their original cost if your willing to go out and hunt for it. My thrift score for this week is the desk above I scored at an estate sale for just $40. I have been working hard to get my daughter’s room completed and the one last piece she has needed was a desk/vanity. When I spotted this one I knew it was the perfect size with lots of great storage.
But… This is what it looked like when I got it.
When I spotted this little Duncan Phyfe style desk at the estate sale it had seen better days. The veneer had a few small chips and the finish definitely needed some work. I decided since it was going in my daughter’s room a fun paint job would be the way to go (if the weather would cooperate.)
So while I waited for a day with above 50°F temperatures I sanded down the desk filled all the screw hole since I knew I wanted to update the hardware and bought my Krylon CoverMaxx paint in Gum Drop. I am a big fan of spray paint because I love the smooth finish it provides but I admit it is not for everyone.
Finally a few warm days arrived here in South Carolina and I was able to get my painting done.
With the addition of some great modern knobs and pulls which contrast its traditional style the desk has a totally new look.
Thrift score makeover complete and I love the results. What do you guys think? Pretty good thrift score?
Now, Before I share with you my favorite Thrift Score Thursday finds from others I thought I’d tell you a little about how it works if you’d like to join.
How #thriftscorethurday works:
– You can share any thrifty finds – whether they hail from a thrift store, Craigslist, estate sale, garage sale, side of the road, or apartment dumpster! The fun, the funny, the awesome, the odd – this hashtag party is open to all!
– Feel free to use #thriftscorethursday any day of the week! They’ll be keeping up with the hashtag all week-long to find our favorites for the following Thursday.
– Each week, Trisha from Black and White Obsession, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, Corinna from For My Love Of and Brynne from The Gathered Home will pick a few favorite thrift scores to feature! So please note that by linking up with#thriftscorethursday, you are giving us permission to share your finds via social media or on our blogs.
My #thriftscorethurday Picks:
I used to run across these vintage educational posters fairly often in Germany there they usually sold at a pretty reasonable price, so seeing this vignette by Britt at themagpiecollective has me kicking myself for not buying one. They can run as high as $300 but she scored her’s from the back room of an antique store for a sliver of that price.
No Thrift Score Thursday is complete without an amazing chair find like this one from Ariel at pmqfortwo and this beauty even swivels and reclines!
I can’t get over this mirror Megan at meganmwallace12 found, mostly because I’ve wanted one just like it. Great find!
Lately I’m all about brass and Caitlin at desertdomicile found this great little lion head planter which made a perfect home for a cute cactus, now I think I need a cactus.
Great finds everyone!
If you are on Instagram feel free to check them all out or even add your own #thriftscorethursday items.
If you’d like to see my co-host’s favorites, be sure to stop by and check out Brynne, Trisha, Cassie, and Corinna’s favorites at the links below…
i used those exact knobs and pulls on a sideboard i did last year! they are some of my favorites! the desk looks great and such a fun color- can’t wait to see it in her space! thanks for hosting with us!
I love the makeover, Maggie, and I’m not even usually a fan of the color purple! It looks so fantastic with the sleek brass hardware! Absolutely lovely!
Thank you so much for guest hosting with us again and totally rocking it!