Photo via DPages
Today is a big relief, all the high stress items on my to-do list are done. The Christmas party for my son’s class went off without a hitch, high-five. I’ve completed all my shopping and wrapping, and I’m all packed for our road trip that starts early tomorrow morning, holy high-five. It has been stressful to get everything done but now that it’s complete I can sit back and enjoy my holidays. Today is the kids last day of school and my husband decided to take the full two weeks off for the holidays so as of noon today let the festivities begin, High Five!
Here are a few more high fives for the week…
1. You know I love color but I also appreciate the drama of the mostly black and white Paris apartment above. I have to say that porcelain Mykiss Fish chandelier, available through Dutch by Design, really has me hooked. (Get it hooked? Never mind.)
2. This hysterical but all too real video clip on the #InstagramHusband, think you might be affected? Join the support group.
3. At my house we were just discussing routers and that they work best when out in the open, so why can’t someone make one that’s more attractive? Well OnHub from Google just did. They even have shells that you can customize to fit your space. Check out what 18 artists did to customize theirs.
4. Artist Faig Ahmed distorts the patterns of traditional Azerbaijani rugs turning traditional patterns into modern art. You can check his full gallery out HERE
5. The Glasshouse Co. creates these beautiful handmade hydroponic terrariums They are Australian based but I’m pretty sure I could talk them in to shipping one of these beauties to the U.S.
Have a great weekend,