Photo via Poppytalk
Metallic have always had a place in home decor. For years I would have said I was loyal admirer of silver and chrome but in recently my eye has begun to wander. Golden metallics are so warm and inviting how could I not be smitten, the more I see them the more I love them. Recently a new metallic has popped on the scene, Copper. This new metallic has the best of both worlds, while it feels crisp like silver it has the warmth of gold. When shined and glossy it is sleek and modern but aged and tarnished it has a vintage feel. I have to admit when it first turned up again on the interiors scene I was a little torn.
Most importantly, will it work with color?
Via BHG photo by Adriaan Louw
Photo via Crush and Nooks
I love mixed metallics, does copper play well with other?
Photo via Dwell
Photo via Glitter Guild
Does it blend equally well in modern and traditional design?
Photo via Lonny
Photo via Yellows
Does it work just as well outdoors as in?
Phota via Barn Light Electric
Photo via TracyRapisardiDesign
Check, check, check, and check…
Hhmmm, I may just be coming around to copper.
I didn’t need to come around to copper, I’ve always liked it, so I’m glad it’s so popular now! Wondering if I should stockpile copper EVERYTHING for when it goes out of style again 😀
Well now is the time to stock up. I think I have a bad 70/80’s copper reference from my childhood that is holding me back. It involves patriotic Liberty Bell wall paper, I may be scared for life.