EEEEERRT! Totally have a plan for your next interior update only to slam on the breaks for an awesome bargain even though it may take the project in a whole new direction. Does this happen to you? Well this is pretty much how I operate so it happens to me all the time. This week it was this amazing hand-knotted rug I found at the thrift store for 50€ ($70.) Yes you read that correctly a 10′-6″x 6′-6″ Persian rug in almost perfect condition for under $100. How could I pass that up? Now comes the EEEEERRT.
You may remember I am pondering an update for the master bedroom since it is (badly) in need of a new paint job. I originally planned to work around the existing black and white rug using rich coral accents and grey walls. Well, scratch that, the rug is already in my master bedroom. The new rug is so much larger and nicer than the I I am glad to change the plan but direction is going to have to be altered slightly. The bright coral is not going to work with the new rug so the new plan is more muted shades of coral and blush pink. I think the grey wall are still a go but probably in more of a warm tone. So I guess it is not a total EEEEERRT but more of a squeal as I veer quickly to the left. la right new fabric swatches ordered, paint samples selected, and bedding on the shopping list. I will keep you posted on what comes next…
Oh and by the way the new (old) rug goes perfectly with this little chair I bought at the same thrift shop last year (15€ ($22.50) in case you wanted to know.) It was meant to be!
This rug is awesome and it’s made to go with the chair. You’re one lucky lady!
Guess I have to go to thrift stores more often…
x Stephanie