1. Composition sawdust and glue animals 3€ ($3.75) They may be deer or moose but they have holes in the top where antlers should go, I have a little project planned for them.
2. 1958 Dress pattern catalog 5€ ($6.25)
3. Fox Beer Stein (or maybe root beer since I bought it for my son) with boars hair whiskers 5€ ($6.25)
4. Ceramic pups 2€ ($2.50) These guys had a matching Momma dog that went with them but I had a klutz incident and she was the unfortunate victim.
5. Miniature portrait 10€($12.50) I think he is probably a reproduction but he will still look good with Chuck’s military portrait collection.
6. Framed paper cut silhouette 4€ ($5) When I started my collection it seamed like I saw these everywhere but lately they have become a little scarce so I am always glad to find one to add to my collection.
7. As always a few pieces of West German pottery or “Fat Lava” 2€($2.50), .50€ ($.63), 3€ ($3.75)
Today I am starting a new addition to my “Found it at the Market” posts, sharing what I DIDN’T buy at the market. Every week I see some things that just make me say WOW! I will leave it at that and let you be the judge. This week it was this amazing piece of taxidermy, I think it may be a dog but really, WOW.