Years ago when I first started pinning on Pinterest (crazy, has it really been years?) I didn’t have a blog and I didn’t really consider the social media aspects of Pinterest. I pinned what I wanted to a few somewhat organized boards but never thought that others may be looking at my boards or using them for inspiration.
Fast forward two years and 1500 pins and I am faced with a dilemma. The categories I created in the beginning seem too broad. All these Pins are starting to feel cluttered. Now, pinning from my own blog I want a better way to share my ideas and inspirations, I need to create boards that are more user friendly.
Looks like it’s time for an overhaul.
My Pinterest board currently looks like this.
I am now realizing that titles like “For the Home” and “Colorful” need to be broken up into sub topics that are more specific. Like “Colorful- Bedroom,”and “Colorful- Accessories,” but how specific do I get? I want organization but I don’t want to make this more complicated than it needs to be. This will be a big task but working on reorganizing 1500 photos is going to be a lot easier task than organizing 5,000 or 10,000 a year or two down the road.
Looks like I have a project on my hands!
What about you, do you have and organization system for your Pinterest Boards? Any tips for me before I jump in? Do you follow any great pinners yourself?
Have a look at what I am working with, I’d love to hear what you think…
I know exactly how you feel, my Pinterest account is definitely in need of an overhaul too, it’s just where to begin!