We are finally leaving the dull winter greys for the fresh new colors of spring or at least I think we are . Here in Germany the weather can’t quite decide what it wants to do. I however know exactly what I want to do. I am ready for Spring and ready for color, and lots of it. So why not get all your colors in one place with some colorful patterns perfect for Spring?
I admit #6 is an Ocala Pouf designed by Missoni and way out of my price range but it was so lovely I just had to share, plus I think it is something I could recreate to fit my budget.
Happy Spring!
Hi Maggie, you’re so lucky to be heading in to spring! I’m in NZ so the rain and cold weather is nearly here. I too love that Misonni pouf, they do some amazing things and I’m enjoying their revival. Mel (BYW)
Glad you stopped by Mel, I am not sorry to see the winter go, hope yours is a short one. We were blessed with a very short, mild winter here in Germany so I have no complaints.
i love that dress and the pouf! love all the lattice patterns too! =) thank you maggie for sharing!