After 8 months in Germany (to the day) tomorrow I will take my first trip back home to the good old U.S of A. For the next 3 weeks I will be in my home town New Orleans, LA, one of the greatest places on earth! Can you tell, I am excited!!!
I will spending the holidays with family and doing lots,and lots of shopping. I am even flying with one suitcase packed inside the other so I can get it all back to Germany,and there is always USPS if I over do it. TJmaxx/Homegoods it right up there at the top of the list of places to go along with lots of New Orleans favorites and since we have family from Louisiana to Florida I plan to shop the entire Gulf Coast! I have a list of things that I can’t get in Germany started and it’s getting longer by the day…
You also know as a New Orleans girl there will also be a lot of eating going on too. First on the list is a giant Diet Coke with lots and lots of ice. The Europeans just don’t have the same appreciation for ice that we have in America. Along with the giant diet coke there are a few things on the eating list as well. While the Germans have cornered the market on cased meat, you would be hard pressed to find a good old shrimp Po’Boy so I better find a good diet plan for my return….
So all this visiting, shopping, and eating means blogging will probably fall down a few notches on the To Do list. But don’t worry, while I may not be posting as often in the next few weeks I promise to be on the look out for great things to share with you about design and my awesome hometown.
Wish me luck on my 10 hour and 58 minute plane ride (those little bottles of liquor are starting to make a lot of sense) and I will catch you on the other side of the ocean,