Yesterday my husband came home from work about an hour after he left. He had forgotten he didn’t need to be in until late afternoon and was kind of feeling grumpy. I knew what he needed, a little retail therapy. Okay, he probably didn’t think that was quite the “pick me up” he was looking for but being the trooper he is, he went along. A little drive to Nürnberg is just what he needed.
Since the Man Cave is now in the decor phase of work it was time to bring in the sofa. I decided at the beginning of this project on the Ikea FRIHETEN sofa because it will double as a bed on those really hot summer nights with no A/C. The basement stays extra cool so this will be our refuge.
Off to Ikea! Went in, walked the maze, got the sofa (and two pillow insert, because every sofa needs pillows) no problem. Getting everything into the car was another story. Thank God Chuck came along because the sofa came in three huge boxes totaling 250lbs. We had to push, pull, unpack and strap a box to the top of our midsize SUV just to get the darn thing home.
We made it back to the house with everything and my hubby headed back to work (probably relieved to go) because I had work to do. As you know with all Ikea furniture you must put it together yourself, sofas are no exception. So I unpacked all the very efficiently packed pieces and got down to business. I am pretty good at this by now so construction didn’t take more than an hour.
As I begin constitution I see that the arm of the chase ran the entire length of the sofa. That was not in the plan and at this point I am not sure how that is going to work. I continued my work considering I may have to rethink the arrangement of the sofa.
The sofa is together and I definitely don’t like the idea of opening the door and walking right into the back of the sofa. Bad Feng Shui!
Maybe the other side of the room would work better…
Back to the other side.
The beauty of this sofa is because you put it together yourself you are free to put the chase on either side of the sofa. So guess what guys, I decided it may work better on the right rather than the left. Yes that means I took the entire sofa apart and put it back together again with the chase switched around. (Not feeling very beautiful at the time.)
Ahhhh yes that’s more like it! This will change some of the rest of the layout but I can’t worry about that right now because I must go sew some curtains to hide those hideous wall lockers.
Thinking about buying this sofa. Do you still love it?
Robyn I will admit that I bought this sofa based on two things Price and the fact that it converted into a full size bed. I have only had the sofa a few months now but for the price I have been pleasantly surprised. The seat is a bit firm but the back pillows are soft and cozy. I usually take the chase lounge side and love that I can stretch out. I don’t know how it will hold up in the long run, but so far I am pleased.
Stumbled across your blog as I’m looking to buy this couch as well. Looking at the date of the post, you’ve had the couch for over a year now. Still happy with it? I know it’s IKEA so I’m not looking for it to last forever, but does it seem to be durable enough for a few years? Thanks for any response! Peter
Hi Peter, I have only had this sofa about six months now and yes I am still happy with it. That being said this sofa is not our sit on it everyday sofa, we use it occasionally to watch a movie away from the kids and the noise so I cannot comment on how it will handle everyday wear. I bought this particular sofa because it pulls out to be a full size bed when we need extra space. Although the seat is fairly firm the back cushion is quite soft and the chaise lounge it great for stretching out. Overall I have been pleased. Hope this helps with your decision. Maggie
Yes it does. Thank-you!
Hi Maggie – thanks for this post! I am looking to order it online for our basement living room/play room and it sounds like you are very happy with it. Wish me luck 🙂
Good luck Kelly, I hope you are pleased!
Hi Maggie! I just got this sofa and the deliverymen assembled it. Now I think I want to move the chaise to the other side. A) How long did it take you to reconfigure? B) What tools do I need? They didn’t leave any of the allen wrenches, etc. I’m wondering if I’m going to have to swing by IKEA to get some. Glad to hear you like it!
I would say it only took about 30 to 45min to reconfigure the sofa but then again the process was fresh in my mind. This change only requires the Allen Wrench if I remember correctly. If you want to see how it’s done you can find the instruction manual here…
Thanks so much. I’ll check and see if one of my other gazillion IKEA allen wrenches works.
Hello Maggy,
I have been planning to buy this sofa-bed. Have been through many reviews where people kept complaining about its poor durability. I found many of them praising this piece of furniture too. You have had this couch for quite a long time. Please tell me how do you find it now? Please mention if you found an negativity as well.
Hi Sabina, This seems to be the most popular question I get. I have only had this sofa about seven months now and yes I am still happy with it. That being said this sofa is not the sofa we sit on everyday sofa. We use it occasionally to watch a movie away from the kids and the noise so I cannot comment on how it will handle everyday wear. I bought this particular sofa because it pulls out to be a full size bed when we need extra space. Although the seat is fairly firm the back cushion is quite soft and the chaise lounge it great for stretching out. My daughter also slept on it as a bed recently and said it was quite comfy. The only negative I could say so far is that it looks like the back cushions may flatten out some with continued use since they are a polyester fill but overall I have been pleased. Hope this helps with your decision. Maggie
Hi Maggie!
I am wondering–do you (or have you ever) used a thin mattress (like the ones you can get from ikea) with the bed? I tried to purchase one with the couch, but the rep on the phone said it will not go with the couch, which I thought was weird because I’m pretty sure I’ve read that some people have used a mattress with it for additional comfort. Hoping to hear your thoughts!
Hi Ashley, The bed sleeps fine without a topper but it is fairly firm so for a person who likes a soft mattress a topper would be a good idea. The bed on the Friheten when pulled out measures 55″x80″ which is only a few inches larger than of a full size mattress (53″× 74.5″). I think any full size mattress topper or foam mattress pad would work fine for additional comfort. Hope this helps!
Thank you so much for your reply! And for all of your posts and updates concerning this bed. There are not many reviews out about the couch so it’s nice to read your initial thoughts and then how the couch is doing months after you’ve had it. I was weary about buying it because it did look so firm, even as a couch, but I also am not a huge fan of super soft couches/beds. Anyway, thanks so much for your input!! I’ll likely get a topper then since I think the people the will be on it most (likely my parents and brother for visits) enjoy a softer feel 🙂
No problem, glad I could help.
Maggie – Is the 80×55 the total of the whole thing including the chaise? Thanks!
The sleeping area is what measures 80×55″ but the total depth including the back of the sofa is 59″ (the seat including the back is 35″) the total width is 89″ including the arms.
I don’t see what year you bought this couch. I’m curious how the couch has been holding up for you too. If you just commented on this a day ago let me know. Thanks!
I have had my Friheten sofa for about a year and a half now and this is one of the most common questions I get. If you read through the older comments they still apply. So far I have been pleased with the quality and wear.
Thanks for your review. I was wondering, was it difficult to construct by yourself? Was it heavy to lift the different parts? It looks like you moved it around the room a lot. Is someone else needed to hold the other end during construction?
I live by myself so I’ll probably have to build it myself. I will have to pay extra to get them to deliver it, though.
Hi Amy, Once it is in the room it is pretty easy to construct alone. (Loading it in and out of the car will require help.) I did call my husband in once to push on the opposite end so the pins would go in tightly between the back and arms but I did not find it difficult to do on my own.
thanks Maggie I just had this delivered and you’ve given me confidence to attempt to assemble it by myself!
Good Luck, Let me know how it goes!
How is it holing up now, have read the past reviews and it sounds great
Quite well, I actually have guests sleeping on it this week and they give it a thumbs up!
I know this post is really old, but my husband and I were considering buying this couch. Our closest IKEA is a few hours away, so we can’t have it delivered. I drive a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Do you think we’d be able to fit the boxes in my vehicle? We can’t afford the $350 it would cost to have it shipped, so if it won’t fit our only alternative would be renting a U-Haul trailer, but I’d rather not spend that money if I don’t have to.
Hi Maggie, (Great name by the way!) I got my sofa home in my 2007 Toyota Highlander which I would say is pretty comparable in size to a Jeep Cherokee. I will tell you it was kind of a jigsaw puzzle getting it loaded. If I remember correctly we strapped one of the larger boxes to the top and took the remaining pieces out of their boxes to get them inside the car. I would say it can be done, but bring a friend who is good at packing and can do a bit of lifting. Good Luck, Maggie
Hey! I was wondering where you purchased the rug. I bought this same sofa last week and am having a hard time deciding what size and style to go with.
The rug is a LAPPLJUNG RUTA from Ikea and very reasonably priced at only $99 here is the link:
This one is 6’7 x 9′-10″ but it also comes in a 6’7 square size.