Okay guys so sometimes things have to get worse before they get better and this is definitely one of those times. While we were away this weekend great strides were made on the “man cave” update but you definitely wouldn’t think so by the looks of it! Right now we have what looks like dungeon covered in about an inch of plaster dust, but luckily the most involved parts of the project are almost complete. It all happened this weekend while we were gone. The walls were sanded down to prepare for a new moister barrier paint, the marble window sills were plastered in, the plumbing for the radiator was completed, and the new electrical lines were installed. Whehh that was hard work, fortunately this time not for me!
The construction here in Germany is basically a terracotta block covered with about an inch and a half of plaster. To set the electrical lines into the wall the plaster must be routed out the lines set and then those areas re plastered. You can see how this is done in the photos above. You can also imagine the giant mess this makes. Well actually you don’t have to imagine, you just saw the photos!