When I think of doilies I think of grandma’s living room, well actually I don’t think of doilies much at all, but if I did I’m sure grandma would come to mind. I see piles of crochet work at thrift stores and garage sales and so often this delicate handy work is just given away. I recently had a friend who received a beautiful piece of crochet as a gift ask me, “How in the world do I display it so that it doesn’t feel “old lady” and, if even POSSIBLE, modern.” I did a little research and was amazed to find just how many creative uses there were for grandmas doilies. Here are a few that I thought gave them a little more of a modern flare. Although the doily tree is not a project most people would think to do I love the fresh take on Yarn Bombing, the delicate variety of crochet work on this tree is lovely and could be a great way to add to the decor of an outdoor wedding or party.
These two photos show a different twist on the same technique, using fabric stiffener to give the doily shape. On the left FreePeople.com gave a great tutorial on making doily bowls and on the right is a lace doily light fixture, ( find out more at Dosfamily.com) look at the beautiful shadows it puts out.Another great option if you don’t want to damage your crochet work is to hang it on the wall. I love them pressed between the glass, you can see all of there beauty and the wall color behind. If you want something bolder, mat them over bright paper or fabric. You can even wrap a stretch canvas with fabric and hand stitch the doily right on.
These old standbys can be used in fun, playful new ways as these pictures show or exactly as intended with an up dateded twist (as seem below.) What a lovely way to show off a collection of such variety.
I have seen lots of amazing, creative ideas for up cycling doilies but by far my favorite comes from Pursuing the Picture Perfect Wedding who documented Jillian & Dax’s mountain wedding where Everything was handmade. Everything including the wedding gown which Jillian made herself. It took three weeks and over two miles of crochet yarn to complete the effect, but in my opinion it is perfect!
This is a fabulous post! Such cool ways to keep those doilies from gathering dust. May I re-blog this post sometime in the next few days?
Please do I am happy to share.
Inspirational post!
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Inspiration. Making Doilies Modern
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Inspiration. Making Doilies Modern
I often make doilies into dream catchers for nurseries and wall hangings when I find them. Its so sad seeing someones art scrunched up and thrown into the corner of a thrift store! I have made bowls out of them too its such a fun idea 🙂
Reblogged this on Love Those "Hands at Home" and commented:
The loving hands at home made LOTS of doilies and they are seriously under-appreciated these days. You can find them for very, very little money. I think they get passed over because, of all the vintage textiles, they seem the fussiest and most old fashioned. But, as this wonderful blog post from Maggie Overby Studios shows us, it IS possible to bring doilies into the 21st century! Aren’t you inspired? I know I am!
Thank you for compiling this information.The ideas for using doilies are wonderful. I especially like the ones where they are incorporated into clothes.
There’s nothing old-fashioned about those doilies!
love this!