
Thrift Score Thursday No. 138

It’s #ThriftScoreThursday and you know I love chairs, but surprisingly this chair was my husband’s find… I think I’m finally getting to him because we went to an estate sale recently and he’s the one that fell is love with this fabulous bent wood rocker. I’ve eye balled a few of these myself but have never found one in my price range, and even if I had I would not have had a place to put it.

Well for just $20 these sexy curves definitely fit the budget.

And with a new sun room to fill, I now have just the right spot for it.

I’m pretty sure this spot looking out over the back yard was exactly what my husband had in mind when he spied it. I suspect there will be quite a few hours spent here enjoying the new view.

So this week in honor of my husband’s fabulous chair find, I’m sharing a few of your fabulous chair finds.

But first, let me explain just what #ThriftScoreThursday is in case it’s your fist visit here.  We want you to participate! Hit up your local thrift stores, craigslist, yard sales, estate sales, side of the road, anything! Thrifty doesn’t necessarily mean from a thrift store. We want to see your good deals, wacky finds and treasures and how you style them in your home.

Don’t feel like you need to save those finds for Thursdays! Yes, features are shared on our blogs once a month and Instagram weekly on Thursdays, but we’re all checking in on (and using!) the hashtag all week long. So, when you see/find it, feel free to share it!  And we love it when you tag your friends to play along, too!

The first Thursday of each month, Brynne from The Gathered Home, Cassie from Cassie Bustamante and I will pick our favorite thrift scores to feature. So please note that by linking up with #ThriftScoreThursday, you are giving us permission to share your finds via social media or on our blogs.

You know I can never get enough great chairs, so let’s have a look!

Like this curvy blue beauty from thebeauideal. Holy cow it’s fabulous!

Or bellafloradesign ‘s new ‘vintage’ MCM chair, newly dressed with fresh white. This chair was found curbside, naked and cold so sad. I’m glad it found a loving home. Too bad it wasn’t mine!

Maybe this beauty (one of a pair) thethriftyhippie  scored for 15 bucks. Rattan wonderland here!

annabode Snagged this chair on Craigslist and drove an hour and a half to get it. So worth it!

and last but certaily not least, theeventmaker is a girl after my own heart,  all over practically any vintage chair and this one I’d be all over too. How great is that red!

Feeling better knowing I’m not the only chair junkie around, great finds guys!

Now don’t forget to check out what my co-hosts have been up to this month…

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5 Comments on “Thrift Score Thursday No. 138

  1. That chair is going to be so fabulous in your sun room! I’ve eyed my share of those gorgeous curvy rockers and never had the perfect place – can’t wait to live vicariously through you!

  2. So many beautiful chairs! I think it would be relaxing to sit in a rocking chair watching to the garden. I would love to take home more chairs from my trips to the thrift shops but there is always the lack of space! 😀 I dream about having different kind of chairs around a big dining room table…

    Have a wonderful Easter week!

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