Last weekend at one of my favorite thrift stores I ran across a stack of vintage sheets. I’m pretty sure most of them date from the 60’s and 70’s based on their bold unapologetic color and pattern (which I happen to love.) I bought this stack of Euro shams without any grand plan grand plan on what I wanted to do with them.
In the back of my mind I was thinking how fun they they would look as a mixed match set.
This photo by Teawagon probably says it best. (Actually her Flickr feed is full of all sorts of amazing ideas as is her blog Tea Wagon Tales.)
The more I looked around the more I found great things to do with vintage sheets so I thought I would share a few of my favorite ideas.
One big plus about using sheets in any kind of sewing is having a large expanse of fabric that is wider than almost any fabric you can buy. I love to use them for quilt backing so no seams are required.
This makes them great for making large items like these shower curtains seen on A Country Farmhouse
or this cute children’s tent by My Cakies
But there is no need to stick to household items these dresses by SOHOMODES are so much fun for springtime.
And for the boys, how about these ties I found at Kitchcafe
Sew Mama Sew had the bright idea of making pajama pants out of this pre-softened fabric.
With smaller scraps how about some cocktail napkins like these by Design Sponge
or cover a lamp shade like Nature Mom.
and when your done with all that not even the smallest scrap needs to go to waste, make a happy quilt like Katie’s Kitchen Blog
or a colorful rag rug like Blue Corduroy Photo
With all this creative inspiration I’m thinking I may have to run out and buy a few more vintage sheets.
OMG! I had/have the sheet used to make the lamp shade.
I must have 25-30 “vintage sheets.” I use them to cover my blooming shrubs and plants to protect them from late frosts. I am awed by the more creative uses of them.
Well if you already have 25-30 you have a head start and you can add an 11th use to the list 🙂